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Avoid Using Your Teeth During A Blow Job – 17 Tips

Avoid Using Your Teeth During A Blow Job – 17 Tips

Wilbur |




Below are 17 simple tips that will help you avoid using your teeth during blow jobs while simultaneously allowing you to maximize your partner's sexual pleasure. Before we get to the 17 tips, we should discuss one thing first!



Are Teeth Always a Bad Idea?


Sure, some people will run for the hills at the first sign of teeth grazing their shaft, and obviously, you don't want to bite or scrape your partner's penis hard enough to cut it - ouch!

However, some people like a slight grazing, so you don't always have to avoid using your teeth during a blow job.



Talk about it – The only way to know how your partner feels about teeth during a blow job–or anything else!–is to talk about it.


Talking about sex is sometimes hard, and it isn't easy to be vulnerable. The best starter advice for opening the conversation is asking after sex if there's anything your partner particularly liked and something that didn't quite hit the mark. Asking after sex is a great opportunity since you'll be a bit more relaxed, which can make you more open with each other!


Don't feel like you have to hide your nervousness. Being vulnerable can make these conversations go better! It encourages your partner to open up, even if they haven't asked you not to use your teeth during oral sex.



Some like teeth and some don't – You might find that your partner only wants oral sex without teeth. Or you may find that they don't mind some teeth as long as you don't bite or cut them. This information can be quite a relief if you've been worried about using your teeth during blow jobs.

Either way, figure out what your partner likes, then do it!



How to Avoid Using Teeth During a Blow Job

Assuming your partner would prefer you use less or no teeth when giving head, the following advice can help. If one technique doesn't work, don't give up hope! Try these tips for sucking dick without teeth below, and keep the ones that work best for you and your partner.



1) Slow Down


This first tip to avoid using teeth during a blow job seems essential, but sometimes we look for complicated answers when we don't need to.

So slow down.


Pay attention to where your mouth is and what it's doing. Take more control over your movements instead of letting autopilot take over. That may be all it takes to keep your partner's penis away from your teeth.



2) Keep It Shallow


If your back teeth are scraping your partner's penis, don't bob your head so far down the shaft of their penis. You can wrap your hand around the shaft or even place a cock ring on your partner's penis to act as a buffer if you struggle with this.



3) Use Lots of Lube


The best way to avoid scraping or friction during fellatio is to ensure things are super wet. Spit might work, but lube is also your friend, especially if it's flavored. If items are slippery enough, a little tooth-penis contact is less likely to be uncomfortable or leave marks!

RelatedWhy Lubricant Can Spice Things Up in the Bedroom.



4) Wrap Your Lips Over Your Teeth


Here's the classic tip to prevent your teeth from snagging your partner's cock during a blow job. It's not a perfect solution, however. Wrapping your lips around your teeth means less room for your partner's penis.

Of course, penis size matters, too, as it may be impossible to use this technique if your partner is too well-endowed.



5) Keep Your Partner Still


Sometimes, nothing you do leads to scraping your partner's penis with your teeth. Instead, your partner's movements, including thrusting, cause this. Often, this leads to grazing with the teeth in the back of your mouth (the molars). So tell your partner to keep still.

And if they can't? Try using bondage and tying them up.



6) Use Your Tongue


Try sticking your tongue out slightly and using it as a cushion between your partner's penis and your bottom teeth. You can also try using your tongue to adjust the angle of their penis in your mouth to avoid hitting your upper teeth.


Of course, you won't be able to swirl or stroke with your tongue with this technique, so you may only want to use it part of the time. But it's still an excellent tool to keep in your toolbox.



7) Try Different Positions


There are two prevalent blow job positions!


The first is the kneeling blow job position, with you on your knees with them standing (but they could also be seated). The second common position, called the regular BJ position, is when our partner is lying down on their back in bed, and you're lying below them. But there are a bunch of different positions that might work better if your teeth are a problem during blow jobs!


The 69 position changes your neck angle as you give your blow job. Many women find that this position helps them avoid using their teeth orally. It's also perfect if you want your partner to eat you out while you give them a blow job.


Alternatively, you may want to use the lie-back position for your blow jobs, where you lay on a bed or sofa with your head hanging down and have your partner penetrate your mouth, although they'll have to do more work in this position! This one can also require more trust as you will be in a very vulnerable position.



8) Only Take the Tip


If the other techniques in this guide don't work for you, try only taking the tip into your mouth, which may be smaller than the shaft of the penis. Focus on using your lips and the end of your tongue.


You can:

‣ Swirl your tongue around the head of their penis, also known as the glans

‣ Tap your tongue against your partner's penis

‣ Suck on the head

‣ Wet the head of their penis and then blow over it to give a cooling sensation

‣ Stroke their shaft with your hand

‣ Use a twisting motion when stroking the shaft of your partner's cock

‣ Use an open-ended stroker on the shaft

‣ Use your tongue to flick your partner's frenulum (located on the underside of their penis)



9) Use a Condom


Using condoms isn't a foolproof way to stop using your teeth during sex, but it can help reduce any pain it causes your partner.

Using a condom, you'll snag or scrape the material, not your partner's penis. Not everyone can stand having latex in their mouth. But if you can, you'll also get extra protection against STIs, which you can transmit via oral sex!

Learn: Condoms 101.



10) Practice on a Dildo


Practice makes perfect, but how can you practice if you don't have access to a penis at a moment's notice (or don't want to hurt your partner while you hone your skills)? Use a dildo!


The benefits of this method include practicing without worrying about hurting someone and being able to start with a smaller dildo and work up in size. Avoid low-quality dildos that might not smell or taste good; silicone will avoid that risk.



11) Cover Your Teeth During Oral


Some novelty companies made candy teeth covers, which you can wear during blow jobs to prevent them from being too toothy. Plus, they make giving oral sex tastier!



12) Edge Your Partner


Some people like receiving pain during sex (they're known as masochists), which means you may not have to hide your teeth during sex. Instead, you need to balance the pleasure and pain carefully. The more aroused someone is, the more pain they can handle.


One way to do this is through edging, a technique where you bring your partner close to orgasm without letting them get off. It's the perfect way to work someone into a frenzy. Your partner might not even realize a little grazing if you do it right!



13) Try a Gag


Some gags are designed to keep your mouth open and accessible (and work well if you've got a kink or fetish). O-ring gags can significantly help if you struggle with teeth while going down on your partner because they force your mouth open wider.



14) Give a Slick Hand Job


If your partner likes the wetness of a blow job, try a hand job with plenty of lube. Silicone-based lube is perfect for staying slippery without getting sticky. However, you can also try a stimulating lubricant to make things interesting. Try experimenting with thinner and thicker lubes, too!



15) Use a Toy


Sometimes you cannot comfortably give your partner head without using your teeth, and that's okay. Everyone has different abilities, and you can still give your partner mindblowing sexual pleasure by using a sex toy!

There are plenty of sex toys available, including those that vibrate and rotate, those you move (strokers, pocket pussies, and sleeves), and those you thrust into. You'll find single-use and reusable toys and those in every texture and color, too! Either way, use a compatible lube to make sure things stay slippery.



16) Focus on Other Activities


Giving head might feel great for your partner, but it's not the only thing you can do in the bedroom! If you can't avoid using your teeth, you can give your partner pleasure in other ways.

‣ Stimulate their prostate with a toy or your finger, which you can also do while giving head

‣ Try out BDSM

‣ Spank your partner

‣ Give anal sex a go (Make sure you prepare correctly for anal!)

‣ Peg your partner

‣ Use a blindfold

‣ Try dominating your partner or reverse the roles and become submissive to your partner

‣ Play with temperature

‣ Role play in the bedroom

‣ Experiment with nipple play if you or your partner enjoys it.

‣ Experiment with kinky sex.



17) Accept Incompatibilities


Some mouths and penises don't play well. It's sad, but it's true.


You might have an overbite, underbite, or snaggletooth that gets in the way during oral sex, and there's little you can do to hide or cover your teeth. Some people have smaller mouths or jaws, and stretching will only hurt without helping you avoid using your teeth when giving head.


Talk to your partner if you've tried every tip and still can't manage to avoid using your teeth during a blow job. After all, communicating may be the most important thing you can do to improve your sex life! And, as we've shown above, there are plenty of other fun sex ideas you can try to keep things hot!

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