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How to Use Candles to Create the Ultimate Sensory Experience

How to Use Candles to Create the Ultimate Sensory Experience

Tim Sizemore |



Candles have been a staple in the creation of romantic settings throughout history. When looking to set the mood for an evening of pure passion, candles play a staple role in making awesome things happen.


But have you ever stopped to question what it is about candles that make them inherently sexy? Why do candles create the kind of mood that simply exudes romance to a far greater extent than any other type of lighting?



Eye Contact


For one thing, there's the way low-level lighting causes a person's pupils to dilate. Something also happens when a person is attracted to someone they're looking at -- a subconscious and uncontrollable sign of interest. Candlelight causes the pupils to dilate in the same way, effectively replicating this subconscious signal of attraction. When you light candles, your body sends the right messages to your partner immediately -- without you even knowing it.





Low-level lighting also prompts the body to begin the process of winding down due to its association with nighttime. While there's much to be said for high-energy passion between the sheets, relaxation of the body and mind makes it much easier to slip into a romantic mood.


Relaxation calms stress and anxiety, replaced with a gentle sense of confidence and contentment. Time seems to slow down by candlelight, giving you all the time you need to let nature take its course.





Candles can bring romance and intimacy to any space by largely hiding your surroundings and making you focus exclusively on one another. Candlelight only travels a bit, giving you and your partner little choice but to get close.


The candle's light creates a small bubble of intimacy, wherein you feel like the outside world doesn't exist. It's just you, your partner, and the romantic flicker of the candle -- that's where the world begins and ends.





Of course, there's also much to be said for the confidence that comes with knowing your imperfections are nicely hidden. Most people have hangups in the bedroom -- almost always concerning parts of their physique they're not particularly happy with.


When you set the scene with candlelight, there's just enough light to enable you to get to business. Though, at the same time, nowhere near enough to draw attention to the parts of your body you'd prefer to keep hidden. Candles can give you the confidence to focus on what matters most, putting your hangups and insecurities to one side for now.



Sexy Candles for Pure Passion


Taking things beyond the romance of flickering candlelight means setting your sights on a more specialized range of sexy candles -- a surprisingly broad and diverse category with the potential to bring something special into your evenings.


For example, it's not just the light candles emit that helps set the mood. Certain fragrances have been known throughout history to have powerful effects on human emotions.


The part of the brain that interprets fragrance is directly linked with the area responsible for processing feelings and emotional memories. Certain fragrances naturally nudge the body and brain in a more romantic direction, exactly like more conventional aphrodisiacs.


Then there's the fabulous world of drip candles to explore -- used for temperature play in the bedroom. These candles are made from materials designed to melt at a comparatively low temperature, which can then be dripped onto a person's skin from an appropriate height. The heat, combined with the element of surprise, can uniquely stimulate nerve endings in the skin, heightening sensitivity and triggering a state of intense arousal.


Similarly, massage oil candles are designed to be poured onto the skin and massaged in. The wax turns into a massage oil, retaining that temperature play element, though not quite as warm nor messy as a drip candle.


Massage oil candles also fully use the aphrodisiac properties of scents and fragrances, ensuring a multi-sensory experience for mutual pleasure.



Safety First...


Finally, if you decide to bring candles into the bedroom, it's essential to pick them from a reputable retailer. This is especially important with drip and massage candles due to how you'll expose them directly to your partner's skin (or your own). Remember: safe play is always the best.

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