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Can Condoms and Lube Be Used Together?

Can Condoms and Lube Be Used Together?

Wilbur |





From the oiled silk paper used by the Chinese to the modern condoms available nowadays, condoms have evolved over the years. From latex, polyurethane, polyisoprene, or in some rare cases, lambskin (although not commonly found these days - with good reason), there are plenty of options for condom material alone for consumers. There are even sensation condoms that have ridges or dots on them! Despite the evolution of condoms over the decades, they are still the best sources for offering over 90% protection from STIs and unexpected pregnancies.


While evaluating condom usage in 2020, 33.4 million people in the US used condoms, which shows a drastic increase from the mere 29.5% in 2002. However, many people don't realize that you must use lubricants alongside condoms to enhance their efficiency. You might be thinking, can we use condoms and lubricants together? Would the lubricant ruin or degrade the material of the condom?


Well, we will delve into it in a few seconds. Lubricants are liquids or gels you can apply during sex to maintain moisture. As per a recent study by WHO in San Francisco, 89% of the participants used lubes while having sex. While considering sexual pleasure, it was higher when they used water or silicone-based lubricants. However, numerous people in the US still don't use lubes and condoms while having intercourse. There are many confused about what lubricants you can use with condoms.



Don't Condoms Already Come Lubricated?


The question of why additional lubricant is needed on pre-lubricated condoms is a prevalent question people have when shopping for condoms or recommending a lubricant to use during intercourse. To put it simply, yes, most condoms do come pre-lubricated unless stated otherwise on the packaging. However, the lubricant on the condom straight out of the wrapper may not be enough to prevent discomfort or tearing.


When condoms are pre-lubricated, there's only enough lubricant to help the wearer get the condom on - not enough to keep things nice and slippery during intercourse. Although it might not be the sexiest thing to reach for the bottle of lube on your nightstand right after putting on a condom, I can assure you that your partner - and future you - will thank you for it.


Adding more lubricant to a condom can help prevent the condom from tearing or popping during intercourse. This tearing is widespread with "ultra-thin" condoms, such as Trojan's BareSkin line or Kimono's Microthin condoms. Additional lube can make things more comfortable for your partner, as it lessens the friction felt during intercourse. 



Can I use Condoms and Lubricants Together?


To answer the question, YES, you can use condoms and lubricants together. Whether you have a pre-lubricated condom or not, it is always best to opt for a lube, and it would reduce the chances of condom breakage, erectile issues, and irritation.


As per a study conducted by WHO, the participants who used water-based lubes with condoms found the breakage rate was 3%. On the other hand, the breakage rate was 21.4% for those who didn't use condoms and lubricants together.


By the use of lubrication with condoms, you can reduce the rate of unintended pregnancies, and it can also enhance the pleasure and comfort involved while having sex. When you buy condoms, they may or may not have lubrication; however, you can apply lubrication inside and outside of the condom before using it.


Since each person is unique, you or your partner might not produce all the lubrications naturally required to improve your sex life. Hence, it is best to opt for a gentle lubricant to make sex enjoyable for you and your partner.



What Lubricants can be Used with Condoms?


Using non-lubricated latex condoms can lead to friction. Even though most condoms have lubrication, they may not be sufficient in most cases. When you apply lubrication separately on both sides of the condom, it does not just reduce the chances of breakage, and it can also offer you a sensation similar to condom-less sex. 


When it comes to what lubricants you can use with condoms, it is best to opt for condom-compatible lubes. It means you must select a lube based on the type of condom you use. There are mainly five types of lubes: water-based, hybrids, silicone-based, petroleum-based, and oil-based lubricants.


The least preferred option is oil-based lubricants, which can weaken latex, and it would increase the chances of STIs and unplanned pregnancies. Be careful when looking at other types of lubricants, though, as some may contain ingredients like vitamin C oil, which can still eat through the material of the condom. An excellent example of a well-known non-oil lubricant that can still damage condoms is Überlube, which, despite being one of the most simple formulas of silicone lubricants on the market, still contains vitamin C oil. You can find more about the different types of lubes from here!


Using incorrect lubricants can result in the condom slipping off the wearer or, as mentioned, the condom breaking due to contact with oils. Hence, you must ensure you get one compatible with the condom you use. You can find this out by checking the packaging of the lube before purchasing it! Most water-based and hybrid lubricants are safe for use with condoms, but just be mindful of any oils hidden in the ingredients.



My friend uses massage oil as a lubricant. Isn't that fine?


The short answer is no. Not only is oil not condom-safe, but massage oils can cause many issues for vulva owners. Although I see the appeal of substituting a typical lubricant for massage oil - the bottles are already nearby, making everything nice and slippery, after all, the fragrance and oil base of massage oils can lead to irritation, UTIs, and yeast infections.


Fragrance-free massage oils are not enough to solve that issue, unfortunately. The oil base of massage oils harbors bacteria due to its thicker consistency, making it a wrong choice for health-conscious individuals who don't want to deal with infections. Studies on oil-based lube show that they attract bacteria and damage latex condoms, leaving sexual partners open to vaginal infections & STIs.


So skip the massage and coconut oils - after all, you can't use them with condoms! For any play, we always recommend an excellent hybrid lubricant, which will likely check off all of your boxes. Hybrid lubricants are made with about 20% silicone lubricant and 80% water-based, which helps them to be long-lasting and not dry down sticky. If you've found that you're a bit more sensitive to the ingredients in water-based lubricants, avoid hybrid lubricants with glycerin. Glycerin is one of the most common vaginal irritants! A fantastic glycerin-free hybrid lubricant is Naked Silk, our most popular in-store lubricant that most of our staff here at Intimates Adult Boutique use in our personal lives. 



Final Thoughts


By adding lubrication to condoms, you can make sex comfortable and fun, and it would reduce condom breakage and increase pleasure. Besides that, lubes can enhance the elasticity of the vaginal area and also improve oral sex. Therefore, don't forget to use condoms and lubricants together for more exciting and safe sex.

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