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Dildos 101

Tim Sizemore |

What are Dildos and Dongs?

Dildos and dongs are sex toys meant for vaginal or anal penetration. These sex toys are made of many different kinds of materials, do not have motorized components, and are usually phallic-shaped. Many come with suction cups at the base so you can place them in special places, a flared base which makes them great for use with a harness, or double sided for use with a partner or double penetration.

Dildos and Dongs are simple to use and come in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and materials. In fact, they are so similar that the terms are practically interchangeable. However, dildos are the more realistic of the two.

The Original Sex Toy

Some believe that dildos have been around since the Ice Age, which makes it is one of the oldest sex toys out there. The world's oldest known dildo is a siltstone 20-centimeter phallus from 30,000 years ago that was found in a cave near Germany. These phallic, non-vibrating toys are extremely versatile, able to penetrate and stimulate the vaginal or anal regions effortlessly.

Bronze double-dong from 113 BC


Dildo Materials

Dildos are available in a range of materials, each offering its own benefits:

  • Latex dildos are flexible and lifelike to the touch, however, some people are sensitive or allergic to latex.
  • Jelly dildos are popular due to their supple, flexible texture and translucent appearance.
  • Silicone dildos combine the benefits of a lifelike feel and an odorless, non-porous substance that is easy to clean and the safest to use.
  • Glass, Stone, Wood, or Metal dildos can be beautiful and used hot or cold, but they may be too hard and unyielding for some users.
  • Cyberskin dildos feel the most lifelike and many realistic dildos are made of this material, but can be quite porous.

As with all sex toys you should use a lube for a more enjoyable experience, especially if you plan to use your dildo for anal penetration. See Lubes 101 for help deciding which lube is best for you.

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